Resources with a Singular Focus on Jesus

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Articles. Guides. Videos. Spanish Podcasts.

Our heart is to share these resources with you to promote Jesus and His disciple-making principles. Enter your email address below to unlock the Online Library in both Spanish and English.

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Enter your e-mail address above to unlock and download the following resources.

The Humanity of Jesus

Understanding that Jesus was fully God and fully man is essential to understanding the “real Jesus” of the New Testament. Theologians call this the “hypostatic union.” In this article Dann Spader addresses the critical question, “What does it mean that Jesus was fully human?”

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Jesus and humor

Why haven’t we given Jesus a joyful face? Why is there so little literature that discusses Jesus’ sense of humor?  In this article, Chilean Josue Valenzuela invites you to take an intellectual look at the life of Christ from the angle of humor. 

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3 Steps to Impacting the World Like Jesus

Jesus had a specific strategy for reaching the world and it includes you! You might not think that you can be like Him, but He does.  And so do we!  These 3 steps give a summary of what Jesus did and how you can do it, too.  Discover here why Singular exists and how to best connect with us! 

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Knowing Him Study Guide

Take a fresh look at Jesus with this 50-day chronological study designed for small groups, ministry teams or your own quiet time.  Mark Edwards compiles what he’s learned from 40 years of studying Son’s Life into a deep, yet practical guide that invites you to keep Knowing Him.

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Thomas and Gundry’s Harmony Outline of the Gospels

If you’ve ever wanted to study Jesus’ life in chronological order, start here! Scholars Thomas and Gundry take the scenes of the 4 Gospel accounts and weave them together on a timeline, called a Harmony.  Enjoy seeing Jesus’ ministry strategy unfold in different phases over His 33 years on Earth.

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A Child Is Born

Is Christmas really about Jesus? Sometimes it is hard to keep our hearts and conversations focused on Jesus in December. Join Him and His family in the first Christmas through these Bible texts about his birth, childhood and adolescence. This booklet includes a map of Jesus´country, along with 14 scenes in chronological order – all with the purpose of helping you keep your eyes on Him this Christmas.  

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Uns ist ein Kind geboren

Steht Jesus im Mittelpunkt von Weihnachten? Manchmal ist es schwer, IHN im Mittelpunkt zu behalten – gerade im Advent. Wie wäre es, Jesus und seine Familie einmal durch das erste Weihnachtsfest zu begleiten? Die biblischen Texte seiner Geburt, Kindheit und Jugend in chronologischer Reihenfolge, eingeteilt in 14 Szenen und mit Karte des Landes Jesu, laden dazu ein. Damit Sie diesen Advent JESUS im Mittelpunkt behalten können!


It wasn't until I began to study the life of Jesus chronologically that everything suddenly clicked and I began to know Jesus palpably. It changed my life.

MildredAge 30